Life Insurance

First Canadian's life insurance is designed to protect your family from the financial risks of an untimely death. Should you die before the financial obligation on your vehicle is fully re-paid, your family will be spared the expense and worry of paying out the loan. You are protected during the entire term of your loan or a shorter period if you select short term benefits. Because administration is direct between First Canadian and the credit granting institution, premiums are low and claims are easy. A few simple health questions may be required, however no physical exam is necessary to qualify.

Disability Insurance

First Canadian offers disability insurance designed to protect you from the financial risks of an interruption in your ability to earn an income. This 24 hour accident and sickness insurance makes your payments for an extended period of disability. If you are sick or become injured (on or off the job) and are unable to earn an income, then your monthly obligation will be paid on your behalf by First Canadian, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. Once the disability has continued beyond the waiting period, your monthly payment is automatically paid on your account. Benefits can even be paid retroactively from the first day of the disability if you elect that plan. Benefits continue for as long as you remain disabled as defined in the policy. You may claim as many times as necessary during the term of your coverage. All disability insurance programs protect the entire term of your loan, or a shorter period if you select short term benefits. Also, partial payment disability benefits are available to allow you to tailor the coverage and the premium to your specific needs.

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